Why Does My Website Have Such a High Bounce Rate?

Of course, your site is the  home of your business. Just like with your physical store, not only do you want it to get as much traffic as possible, but you want those visitors to stay long enough to be able to make a sale. This means it will be a problem if people visit your website and then quickly leave before doing something. There are many reasons why this can actually happen. Read on to learn why your Web site has such a high Bounce Rate.

Poor user experiences and slower loading

Most company proprietors understand the significance of having a company website. However, not everybody realizes that owning a business website was one thing, and having a high-quality website is another. You should have a user friendly website that loads fast. Apart from this, people ought to be able to easily locate the contents and resources on your Web site. If it is not possible to browse your Website, people are going to leave quickly. Not all websites are slow, however. Some websites are fast when they are first created, but they become slow over time. This is because the business owners do not put money into website Maintenance. Only 11% of web developers report that their clients are concerned with and are able to update their websites once they are constructed. If a website is not maintained, it can quickly become slow and unfriendly. This may be the explanation for your website’s bounce rate being so high.

Incorrect descriptions

Your website is relevant only to your target audience. This is why you need to make sure your website descriptions are accurate. If it’s deceptive, you may get a lot of traffic, but those people will walk away as soon as they realize that your Web site doesn’t have what they are searching for. The code excerpt is one of the ways to let your visitors know what your Website is about. Think of it as a short ad that provides a summary of the content found on your destination page.

Poor Quality content

Part of the website maintenance should be to improve the quality of the content on your website. The Content should drive engagement and it should be eye-catching so that people can stay on your Website. If the contents are poor, users would feel misled and will leave as quickly as possible. You need to use engaging calls to action to ensure that all your internal links are functional as well as relevant. These are just some of the things that can lead to your websites bounce rate getting so high. Once you figure out exactly why this happens, you should invest in website maintenance to make sure that your website is living up to your users’ expectations. This way, you can start taking advantages of your traffic and increase your revenue. If you want to hire somebody to take care of your website, then contact us today.

Responsive or Adaptive Web design

Have you heard the term “post-PC world” before? It’s been popularised over the past few years when people have been speaking about the fall of the desktop computer. With recent figures indicating a surge in web surfing from mobile devices, from 30% to 50% according to different studies, are we now living in a post-PC world?

If so… What does this mean to you as a business owner?

The One World Wide Web Approach

The W3C, or the World Wide Web consortium, has invented the phrase “one web approach”. The word refers to the concept of responsive and adaptive design techniques that are used to ensure that the same content and services are available to users, to the extent that is reasonable, regardless of the device they are using.

From a developer’s point of view, this not only means making sure a site works on the smartphones and shelves that exist today, but also ensuring it will work on whatever else tomorrow brings.

As a company, this also means making sure that not only is your website built with adaptive or reactive design techniques, but also that the company engaged in this development is thinking about the future while handling your issues today.

What's the point of One Web ?

This may sound evident to some people but there are sufficient websites that indicate otherwise to be stated; websites that are optimized solely for a screen desktop are an endangered breed. They are like a cave man in the world of today. Even if you follow this alternative, the site will not be optimized for the desktop screen. Even if you follow this option, the mobile site is only optimized for a certain screen size in relation to the existing range of mobile devices, which always causes problems.

Remember that those mobile browsing numbers that are in the 30-50% range will remain stable, if not increase further. This implies that a decent percentage of customers will try to reach your website via a digital device. For sites that aren’t intuitive or don’t resize or load impossibly slowly, this means a quick loss of visitors, which means less conversions.

You must remember that all of the page elements and assets on each and every page must be uploaded before a Page, like ecommerce, can be used. Bigger web pages equal longer load times. While this may not be a big deal for the individual browsing at home with a cable Internet connection, for the shopper on their tablet utilizing Starbucks wifi, the loading speeds are a huge issue. Stats show that your conversion rate drops 3.5% when mobile viewers have to Wait a second. If you believe that’s bad, in three seconds, 57% of those users will have abandoned your site based on Radware’s statistics.

Responsive or adaptive?

So when you are going to use the “One Web” design approach, which design style you should adopt? Let’s review the choices briefly:

Responsive – This is the most popular approach that alters the presentation of a web page according to the size of the display device. There are some design advantages that can ease the developers’ task. For this kind of designing, you will often have to do a full rebuild of the website. This plays well for those designing a site for the mobile user first and then evolving to the desktops. This can cause some challenges for sites that have a lot of features and images, but this is alleviated if there are easier features.

Adaptive – Adaptive is different from a development direction in that it relies on predefined screen sizes. It is usually a more streamlined layered approached that uses scripting to facilitate adapting to devices and screen sizes. In this case, it is the server hosting the website that senses the device from which a request is coming and therefore delivers a different code based on the device. Ideally, this type of site can more precisely capture the user’s intention on a mobile device. In addition, a developer does not have to recode the whole of the existing website from scratch. Lastly, adaptive sites are generally much better in terms of load time performances, allowing for a more positive user interface experience.

The result – The choice between adaptive or responsive design very much depends on the intention of your site, but you certainly should use one or another. We live in a somewhat post-PC world and it only makes good sense to take the “One Web” approach instead of loosing customers and these important conversions.

Travel Agency Website ( NobleExplorer )

noblexplorer is a travel agency who offer their customers unique, authentic experiences, designed in the most inspiring surroundings. All of their itineraries are tailored-made to the needs of their customers creating long-lasting, memorable moments. noblexplorer approached juba web to create and design a website that reflect the high-end service they offer. They have many aspects to their business which were confusing to navigate between. We took on the challenge and set out to deliver an industry-leading, beautiful website that portrays the brands premium feel and offline experience. The user experience was our first stop for the website. Through our extensive research process, we established that whilst the site has quite a niche, the way they browse is extremely varied. Some only knew the destination, some only knew the type of holiday and others weren’t sure of either and wanted A&B to inspire them. We tackled this with clear landing pages for each user journey all of which end with a detailed itinerary of their chosen experience. We also add a ‘filter by’ option where the user could provide noblexplorer with detailed information about the experience they were after. From a design perspective, minimalism is key, so we kept the color palette as light and neutral as possible, with the amazing photography from their experiences being the main driver.

noblexplorer approached juba web to create and design a website that reflect the high-end service they offer. They have many aspects to their business which were confusing to navigate between. We took on the challenge and set out to deliver an industry-leading, beautiful website that portrays the brands premium feel and offline experience.

The user experience was our first stop for the website.  Through our extensive research process, we established that whilst the site has quite a niche, the way they browse is extremely varied. Some only knew the destination, some only knew the type of holiday and others weren’t sure of either and wanted A&B to inspire them.  

We tackled this with clear landing pages for each user journey all of which end with a detailed itinerary of their chosen experience. We also add a ‘filter by’ option where the user could provide noblexplorer with detailed information about the experience they were after.

From a design perspective, minimalism is key, so we kept the color palette as light and neutral as possible, with the amazing photography from their experiences being the main driver.  

E-Commerce Website ( Daare )

Daare is an emerging jewelry brand based in Switzerland . They specialize in beautiful accessories , bracelets , earrings, rings,  necklaces, and many other jewels. They approached Juba web to create a beautifully designed  eCommerce website for their existing brand. therefore we created a classic, clean and modern look for their website to enhance their online presence.

Before we began designing the website , we understood the target audience and employed strategies as the first step. However, user analysis helps to learn about the user and their online search behavior, goals, motives, demands, and weak points. Understanding the user is a step that comes after UI Design because without it, the work is based upon assumptions and previous experiences which is not at all fair to the customer. Above all, Juba Web designed a website for daare with the purpose of generating more revenue by drawing more traffic to the website. So, this is all done by creating a user-friendly web design with clean UI and UX. So, for us, we believe that the success of our clients is our success. 

E-Commerce Website ( Bemine )

Bemine is an emerging jewelry brand based in Switzerland . They specialize in beautiful accessories , bracelets , earrings, rings, necklaces, and many other jewels. They approached Juba web to create a beautifully designed eCommerce website for their existing brand. therefore we created a classic, clean and modern look for their website to enhance their online presence.

Before we began designing the website , we understood the target audience and employed strategies as the first step. However, user analysis helps to learn about the user and their online search behavior, goals, motives, demands, and weak points. Understanding the user is a step that comes after UI Design because without it, the work is based upon assumptions and previous experiences which is not at all fair to the customer. Above all, Juba Web designed a website for Bemine with the purpose of generating more revenue by drawing more traffic to the website. So, this is all done by creating a user-friendly web design with clean UI and UX. So, for us, we believe that the success of our clients is our success . 

Social Media Marketing

Perhaps one of the most irritating things about today’s marketing is how quickly everything changes. The internet has given rise to innumerable types of social media. With the advancement of smartphones and tablets, information is accessible quickly and in a variety of ways. Keeping tabs on all the places your prospects could be is downright exhausting!

It honestly makes you want to just list your business in the Yellow Pages.

For any of you who don’t recall, it was a giant book that a business called the “phone company” would print out every 6 Months to a year and drop on to your front doorstep. It was so easy in those days. You had a printed ad in the telephone book and maybe a few other options for advertising. Poster boards, Radio spots and TV ads (for those with money) were how you marketed your company.

Some people were even using this little thing called ” the mail system” to mail out actual mail to customers telling them about events and upcoming sales.

Ah the old simple days….

Now you’ ve got all that plus online company listings, several websites to cover PC and phone users, a Facebook page, a Linked In page, a listing on Yelp, your own Twitter account and a guy standing on the street corner in a banana suit holding a giant sign driving traffic to your business. With so much being used, it’s no wonder that many businesses often lose sight of their targets periodically.

Figure out your target

Most businesses figure out who their target customer is when they initially launch. You develop a solid marketing plan that fits that particular demographic appropriately and release it. It’s pretty simple and direct.

But with the constantly changing landscape in the world, do you ever check to make sure the target is still there? While you were focusing on your product, new development and sales, do you also remember to keep your eye on your original target. Heck, is your product still targeted at that demographic?

Refocus on Your Target

A great marketing plan has something very important in common with a great business plan; you review it often. Sometimes you can initially create a great product. But after the initial launch, things can change. Perhaps you make adjustments for different versions or upgrades. Maybe you don’t change anything, but the actual customers who end up buying your product are not the ones you initially assumed.

As you take the time to review your business plan to make sure everything is solid and running smoothly, you should also do the same with your marketing plan.

Things to look at:

Where are the people who buy my product hiding? (Social media sites, Twitter, under a rock)
Is my current marketing strategy addressing my primary and secondary customer group?
Am I sending the right message about my product or is it outdated?
Have I updated all my marketing information recently?

Appearance is everything

It’s surprising how many businesses ignore marketing after their initial launch. Web pages that were exciting at their initial launch are soon dusty and outdated. Marketing materials lack reference to current contact information, links to Facebook, etc., but don’t look professional.

The overall agreement from a client is, “If you can’t manage to keep track of these items to promote yourself, why would I even want your product?”

Besides the simple aspect of retaining current customers and gaining new customers, your marketing also reflects who you are and is factored into the overall image you have. How do you feel about a company whose web page has not been updated with anything current in the past year?

The bottom line

It would be great if you could just set up your marketing and then forget about it. But, in today’s world, if you do, there will more than likely be a lot of missed business. You need to be fluid and habitual, almost fanatical about marketing and how you update and use it. So take the time to review your plan to make sure you are focused on your customer. Ideally, it’s your best tool for selling your product; but if you neglect it, it can easily become a detractor.

What a Digital Marketing Agency Should Do (and Should Not Do) for Their Clients

What is a Digital Marketing Company?

A digital marketing agency today covers the gamut of paid search, Google Analytics, SEO, website development, Content Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Display, Programming and other Digital Marketing services. The agencies need to be able to talk about almost everything from strategy to implementation, data, ideas, apps, marketing Technology and everything from outdated solutions to the future of digital marketing. Digital Marketing Agencies have become real business associates for companies. They’ve come out of the underground and into the boardroom where the C-suite asks for their input and respects their point of view.

What sorts of digital marketing agencies are out there?

There are all sorts of digital marketing agencies. Some are a smaller part of a larger entity. Some are full service digital agencies. Some are full service digital agencies with website development capability. Some are hyper focused on a particular discipline like a paying media agency or an SEO agency. Some are a Website development Agency or a Website Design Agency and some are Website Analytics Agencies. Some are almost full service agencies but don’t completely close the loop. Many will depend on third parties to fill in the gaps, something that works well in 2021, not so well 18 years ago. A number of agencies are using offshore resources to reduce costs and fill gaps in their offerings. Often, that creates more problems than it solves.

A digital marketing agency is made up of a number of subject matter experts from a variety of digital disciplines, including SEO, PPC, website analytics and website development. These experts must be formalized and connected to each other through a defined and validated process so that clients can benefit from their shared perspectives.

Digital marketing agencies must have resources dedicated to strategy. These individuals are able to turn that insight into a logical path for their client, with goals and expectations.

Digital marketing agencies will also deploy project leaders to manage the day-to-day communications and make sure the agencies are doing what they said they would do.

The advantages of a digital marketing agency A team of focused and skilled people continually honing their craft

They read all the relevant blogs, hear all the podcasts and attend all the conferences around their specialty. They have multiple customers from whom they can see trends and plan for the future. They are often supported by a range of technologies that they have been mastering for many years. They are usually surrounded by a team to think and debate with.

Access to a variety of experts

Would you rather go to a facility with only a cardiology service? What if the problem is muscular, nervous, blood or maybe even allergic? You want to have experts available in all departments communicating with each other and someone to formalize their conclusions into a plan of action for the future.

Flexibility and Scalability

Agencies can scale with relative ease and can be brought in to supplement existing teams. As your existing teams shift over time, your engagement with your digital marketing agency may also shift. Or you can leverage an agency to be your turnkey digital marketing team.

This brings me to two really important questions:

What work should be done by an in-house team vs. your agency?

Who should be primarily responsible for the individual elements of the digital marketing work since you’ll all be working together to some degree?
What should be done by a customer of digital marketing?

Establish goals

This is more difficult than you may think. “More income” is the wrong response if you want to equip your Digital Agency to succeed. An agency will never be in charge of revenue.

Income is impacted by a range of factors from C-level to sales to Technology and more. Clients need to ask what specific actionable outcome would lead the C-suite to give themselves a virtual high-five. Can it be transformed into a SMART goal? Can your digital marketing agency largely accomplish this goal on its very own or is it reliant on factors outside of its control?

Keep in minds that there can be multiple goals, but there must be one main objective that we are all rowing towards.

Providing a primary touch point in the remainder of the organisation.

If your Digital marketing agency is being asked to be accountable to in a variety of people with new or different goals, your Digital marketing agency will soon be going in multiple directions at once. Your agency is just going to have a difficult time saying “no” to any individual. They will not even be able to accomplish one goal as they scramble to satisfy several stakeholders at once. The digital marketing agencies need a dedicated champion within the agency.

Breaking through internal boundaries

Agencies can and must push for that which is needed and that which will benefit the client. Yet, we will encounter internal roadblocks. We need our client, hopefully our primary point of contact, to fight internal battles on behalf of us. If we require Generated Content or an Adjusted Title Tag or Access to analytics, we require the customer to eliminate these barriers.

Build and maintain the brand's voice

Yes, there are marketing and branding firms that are central to clients. Such squads may even exist within digital marketers’ agencies. I’m referencing the development of a dependence on your agency to speak on behalf of you. Brands can’t be authentic and authoritarian while delegating their expertise. They can’ t ask an agency to communicate with their clients.

Agencies would never know the band and their customers as well as an internal marketing team. Therefore, agencies should not take over the community management of your social channels. The agencies should not write all your content from scratch pretending to be an employee of the company. Testing to appear authentic is not a skill that a digital marketing agency should try to build.

Create content

If you agree that the brand should be in charge of its own brand voice, then you’ll agree that the brand should be heavily involved in developing content. The content encompasses Everything from the service web pages to the blog articles, Videos, and Infographics. Your agency needs to inform much of what should be developed after keyword and competitor research. This research in itself is a heavy and extremely important weight. The agency must also optimize all content produced. But the brand should produce the content in its own voice if possible.

If this is not possible, they must provide their own perspective on the content research prescribed by the agency. For example, JUBA WEB has had many positive experiences having collaborative conversations with client experts and asking them to provide detailed answers for the content that needs to be produced. JUBA WEB will then create the content using a team of expert writers or set up a phone/zoom meeting where the client pontificates their views on our recommended topic and our writers then turn into a finished piece.

What should a digital marketing agency do?

Create and drive a digital strategy to achieve established goals
Clients need to be involved and their input is important. However, agencies should be largely responsible for deciding how to achieve established goals. Which channels and tactics will attack which parts of the funnel to what degree to create the most effective results? Even more important than the initially agreed-upon strategy, agencies should be responsible for how the strategy is optimized as real data is consumed.

Strategy and execution of paid media channels

Paid Search, paid social, paid display, programming, and retargeting on every platform all require daily, weekly, and month-to-month optimization as digital agencies continually calibration towards our objectives. Even if you can deploy an in-house asset that is fully devoted to paid search and is supported by all the required tools and technology, will they be capable of coordination with all other paid media channels, along with SEO and with your analytics teams? Even if they could, I know very few Paid Media professionals who want to work on a single account every day.

Creating and Executing SEO

Search engine optimization is as the art as it is the science. There are practically weekly updates to algorithms and substantive updates each month and quarter. Content is the lifeblood of SEO. your agency has to manage all the Technical SEO and probably has advanced link building Strategies to acquire quality, relevant and authoritative backlinks that would be virtually impossible for an independent to develop. Instead, what your agency requires is for the brand to develop content. We can research the right topics, length, tone, even point of view, but the writing must be in the brand’s own voice.

Set up, Optimize and generate insights from Web analytics

Agencies should be accountable for setting up full Google Analytics installations and other analytics tools. Digital agencies should be held responsible for setting up conversion tracking by objective, allocation models, tagging strategy, Google Tag Manager and reporting, inclusive of Google Data Studio.

Your agency also ought to be responsible for gleaning the insights from this reporting. The data is “what.” What you’re looking for is the “so what” – the insight, why it is important and what to do with it. Some of these Action Items need to be managed by your Agency if they affect Paid Media channel Management, SEO or your website if your agency has a development arm. Some of these action Items should be managed in-house by the client.

Before selecting an agency

Brands should take a moment to identify the internal assets they currently have. What competencies do they have? Which skills are they seeking to develop? If you have a large enough team, you may only need an agency to patch a few gaps. If you have a small team, you’ll want to be working with an agency that not only can fill more gaps, but can do so in a coordinated way. Do they have in-house processes that connect their Subject matter Experts so the client gets the full benefit of the agency’s value?

If you are Building your own in-house team, I would suggest you look at my points above. All of that work needs to be done, and you’d better put people in the best possible place to succeed. In other words, put the best people you have in their place. 

How To Choose the Right Web Development Company

Your website is the gateway to your brand. It’s how you introduce yourself to current customers and future prospects. It can be both an attractive brochure and a repository of incredible information. Websites provide resources and thought leadership, interact with customers, detail products and services, and prove the value of your organization.

Unless you’re my great aunt Fanny, you probably use the Internet to research products and services. It turns out that other people do too. Therefore, it’s imperative that you create a strong and intuitive online presence to engage and convert when people are looking for the products you offer.

If you are interested in developing a complete Digital Marketing Plan, you should work with an experienced web development agency. Website design and development is critically important, which is why engaging with an experienced web development partner is essential to a website’s success. But how do you find a web development company? To begin, it’s important to understand what a web development company does.

What does a web development company do?

If you are asking yourself how to get a good website development agency, you should understand what a software development agency does. In short, a web development company handles everything necessary for a successful website creation. While there is a lot that goes into creating a website, some agencies offer more than others. Therefore, you need to think about what is important to you in launching a website and decide whether you will use a full-service website development agency or a handful of resources to achieve your goal. Below are some of the areas in which a web development company can help you.

Helping to structure your site

If you have lots of information, then you will definitely want to ensure that the site is appropriately structured and intuitive for your visitors. A web development company will be able to help you build an information architecture to organize your content and structure your website in a way that best meets the needs of your users. This will also help you get an idea of the types of pages that should be built into your new website.

Designing and building your website

This one is probably obvious, but a web development company will be able to create a functional website for you. They will have the ability to guide you through the process of discovery, wireframes, and designs, and then turn those designs into a working website.

You may be considering using a free service to help you create a website. However, depending on the size of your organization and your needs, it’s usually best to hire an experienced web development company to help you. Do-it-yourself website builders are great for small projects, but they lack the scalability and customization needed for more advanced business features. A well-thought-out, customized website will be easy for visitors to navigate, simple for your editors to update, and attractive to users and search engines.

Provide hosting and maintenance

Just as you would take your car to the store for tune-ups, you will also need to update your website from time to time. A web development company can take on the burden of hosting and maintenance so you don’t have to focus on security and bug updates, monitoring website downtime/availability and troubleshooting.

A web development company can help you choose the right hosting options to ensure your site is running optimally and efficiently. They can also provide maintenance to identify broken links, report security vulnerabilities, and address content issues that can be resolved before they lower your search rankings.

SEO Management

A web development company can also help you ensure that your site is built on a solid foundation of SEO. SEO refers to search engine optimization, the process of optimizing your website to make it look attractive to the search engines. A solid SEO-focused website can help you improve your search rankings for specific terms and phrases, and put your website in front of the right users.

How to select a professional web development company ?

So what are the most important factors to take into account when choosing a web development company? If you’re asking yourself where to start, here are some key points to think about.

Which type of website do you need?

Much like other fields, there are many development companies that focus on a certain area. Choosing a web development company can be difficult, so first consider the type of website you need. Do you require a website that can handle e-commerce transactions? Are you seeking a Website that features case studies? Do you require a website that can display a strong content resource center? Are there specific integrations you need to consider with your new site?

Think about what you need on a website first to help you determine what you will need in a future partner.

What level of support do you need?

When choosing a web development company, you will also need to think about the level of support you will need before and after launch. Do you need a web development company that can simply set up the website? Or do you need a team to help maintain the website once it’s complete? Determining what you need will help set you up for success throughout the life of the project.


Choosing the right web development company can be a challenge, but you should think about your compatibility with a partner. If you and your web development company are not on the same page, you will have a hard time developing a website that meets your goals. Always sit down with the web development company ahead of time to make sure you’re on the same page regarding partnership, scope, and working methods.

Thinking about these factors ahead of time will help you in your search for the best web development company for your business needs.

What to ask when evaluating potential web development partners ? 

As you search for the best web development company for your business, you should have a list of questions ready. That way, you can find out more about your options. Posing the right questions may help you select the correct web development company. Here are some key questions you should ask yourself when considering a web development partner:

How much do your services cost?

Of course, you will be interested in the cost of the website. However, there are many factors that will play a role in how much you will pay. For example, here are some questions you might ask a prospective partner:

Is it a fixed offer or a sliding scale?
How much do you charge per hour?
Does this hourly rate change depending on the resource used (design vs. web development)?
How will you bill us?
You should expect to pay an upfront fee for the website creation, as they will likely need an investment to get the project up and running.

You will also want to ask how they charge for ongoing support. Here are some questions you might ask:

Is it a monthly retainer or strictly time and materials for one-time requests?
Is there a required contract length?
What are the details of the support?
How much does ongoing hosting cost?
Be sure to ask your web development partner for a detailed cost breakdown of each service.

Do you have references I can talk to?

Anyone who is serious should have a list of references you can talk to. Contact a few references to see what their experience was like. If they all had a positive experience, you will probably get the same thing. That said, do your own research. Make sure what the references say matches what you’ve seen online in reviews and testimonials.

Do you have any work samples I can look at?

You should also ask for samples of previous web development projects. Check out these sample sites and see if you like their design. Also, find out if these companies have a large digital presence. Are the websites simple to navigate and easy to find? If so, you’re on the right track.

Do you have any work samples I can look at?

Also be sure to ask about relevant experience. Does the team have a lot of experience developing software or e-commerce sites? Can they develop a website with a strong mobile experience? You also need to ask if the team have any credentials or trainings to back up their experiences. You may also ask about the background of the team that is currently working on for your site.

What type of Web Hosting Service are you using?

Don’t forget to ask about web hosting. You need to have a solid hosting service for your website so that your traffic can keep up with the growth of your site. Keep asking about the hosting service, how much it costs, and whether it’s easier to switch to another subscription.

How important is web development for businesses?

Web development is valuable for your company because it helps to bring in more revenue. If you team up with a strong web development team, you can easily increase your online presence and boost user engagement on the site. This puts your website in front of your target audience and takes them on the path to conversion.

Because your customers use the internet to find the products and services they need, you need your website to introduce yourself to these people. Here are some ways web development can help you grow your business:

Creating an intuitive website with a strong SEO framework can increase the number of prospects who visit and interact with your brand.
Targeting the right terms and phrases can help you generate the right kind of traffic, which should increase your conversion rate.
A web development company can position your business as an authority in the field, helping you build a strong brand identity.
A web development partner can keep your website up to date with the latest UX best practices, making it as easy as possible for your visitors to find what you are looking for.
You can also work with a web development agency to make determinations regarding other parts of your business. For instance, you misght be interested in a content management system, or CMS, that can help you keep your information current. While you may be interested in one of the larger content management systems such as Magento, Drupal, WordPress or Joomla, other CMSs offer many of the same benefits at a lower cost and are more scalable. Umbraco is an example of one of the best and least known systems available and is the development platform of choice for JUBA WEB. Here are some of the reasons you might choose to go with wordpress :

There are no licensing fees to use wordpress
It uses an intuitive editing interface to make it easy to update your website.
It has an amazingly responsive UI that allows for easy navigation.
You can personalize the features according to your requirements.
It comes with a variety of plug-ins and tools that can help you with your digital marketing and SEO needs.
It will grow with your website as it develops.
Regardless of the platform, make sure you find a good web development company that will provide you with a CMS that meets your business needs.

Why JUBA WEB is the Right Web Development Agency for your Business ?

Although we definitely  don’t claim to be the only great web developers, we have managed to build hundreds of successful websites and support our efforts. Some key reasons we would make a great business partner are:

transparency: We come across as being open, honestly and transparently in everything we are doing. We can tailor our efforts to meet with your needs, and you never have concerns about having to pay for anything that you do not need.
Scalable: We realize your needs may evolve over time. That’s the reason why we can always adjust our level of services as needed.
Experienced: We have a level of experience that is unmatched in the industry, and it translates into credentials, accreditations and referrals that we are happy to share with you.
Full Service: We aim to meet all your needs. We can assist you with Digital Marketing, Project Management, SEO, and more.
There is definitely a great deal to consider when choosing the right web development solutions. If you are seeking an expert partner to help you improve your online reputation and generate more traffic, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us to start a discussion.

The Beginners Guide to SEO Design

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a valuable digital marketing strategy for businesses that want to drive more traffic to their sites and increase exposure for their brands.

SEO design is an essential aspect of this strategy that focuses on your website design.

Today, we’re going to discuss what you need to know about SEO design. We will start by looking at what SEO is and how it relates to web design. From there, we’ll provide you with concrete steps to optimize your website design for top rankings.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, widely known as “SEO,” is a digital marketing technique designed to help websites rank high on search engines.

High rankings on Google are the primary goal of many SEO strategies, but the technique can be applied to other platforms with a search engine element, such as online marketplaces and social media sites.

SEO uses an organic approach to ranking, as opposed to other search engine marketing (SEM) techniques that use paid advertisements to rank high.

The intersection of web design and SEO

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, there are many layers. Your ranking ability is strongly influenced by the conception and design of your web site.

Even if you have a bulletproof content marketing strategy that includes beautifully crafted written content, such as valuable blog posts and informative landing pages, the design of your website will determine whether or not it ranks.

The key to SEO design is to make your site easy to use, aesthetically consistent and quick to load. The design must meet search engine guidelines while providing a valuable user experience.

Search engines have become incredibly intelligent, so it’s important to be strategic with a well-rounded SEO strategy.

How to optimize your website design for high rankings

Designing a website optimized for SEO is crucial to improving your website’s potential ranking. With that in mind, here are some ways to optimize your website design to improve your rankings.

1. Create a Responsive Website

User experience is paramount, so it’s crucial to create a consistent experience that spans all devices. Most websites are initially designed to be viewed on a computer, but with the popularity of smartphones and tablets, a seamless mobile experience is essential.

Ensure that your site is optimized for mobile view.. Creating a responsive website makes it easy to access all pages so that the mobile experience is equivalent to the desktop experience.

2. Improve site speed

Search engine algorithms take into account metrics such as site speed. The longer it takes for your site to load, the more it negatively impacts the SEO health of your site.

There are many ways to increase the performance of a website. Compression is one of the most important actions to improve your site speed. When your site’s media is compressed and lightweight, the site will load faster. You can also compress images to optimize them.

Taking advantage of content delivery network support can help improve your server response time. This can be done at the website hosting level, and it will also increase the speed of your site.

If you are having trouble assessing your site’s speed issues, we recommend taking advantage of dedicated tool support, such as Moz Pro, GTmetrix or Pingdom.

3. Organize an attractive design

One other way to enhance your site in SEO terms is by making the design attractive visually. Keep a consistent theme throughout and use a combination of media, such as text, images and videos to create a more engaging experience.

The design should also be accessible, which means it should be easy to read, especially for people with visual impairments. The text should be a decent size and the color of the text should not conflict with the background color of the page.

It should also be spaced and aligned in a visually appealing manner.

4. Build a robust web of internal links

One way to make your site rankable is to build a strong connection between pages and publications on your site. You can do this by linking relevant content across multiple points on your website.

Links between pages provide additional context for search engines to help them analyze your content more effectively.

One way to approach this is to create a series of landing pages around your core offerings and a series of blog posts that connect to that anchor content. At a very basic level, these pages can be linked to each other with strategically placed hyperlinks.

You can also create a variety of blog posts that will also link to these pages. For example, let’s say you have a landing page that covers “digital marketing.” You can create a series of articles that cover who needs digital marketing, the best digital marketing techniques, how to develop a digital marketing strategy, etc.

5. Optimize your metadata

It’s extremely important to update metadata across your site. Title tags and meta descriptions are attached to each page and published on your website. These can be optimized with the keywords you are targeting.

As a general rule, you want to keep title tags between 50 and 70 characters. Meta descriptions should be less than 165 characters long.

It’s also a good idea to use alt text for your images so that search engines can parse them as well. Create the alt text for your image by describing the image in 5-10 words. You can also take advantage of the strategic use of keywords in the title tags.

6. Take advantage of on-page optimization

In addition to your overall web design, there are several other on-page optimization techniques you should leverage.

First and foremost, it’s essential to create content that targets viable keywords. Conduct keyword research to identify the type of keywords your target audience is looking for and create content that addresses those keywords. This content can be published on blog posts and landing pages.

Remember that you are writing for the user as much (or more) as you are writing for the search engine. Make the content valuable and avoid keyword stuffing or any other spamming techniques designed to fool the search engines.

Some other on-page SEO techniques include URL optimization, proper header markup, strategic use of keywords in headers, and use of lists to improve readability.

Final thoughts

SEO design is a great technique for those who want to improve their search engine rankings to drive more traffic to their sites. This can increase brand awareness and help increase sales.

Since there are many moving parts to SEO design, it is often easier to rely on the assistance of professionals.

Juba Web offers a variety of services for web design and on-page SEO. Request a proposal to learn more about how we can help you with SEO design.