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Agriculture Website ( stooss-farm )

stooss farm is a unique company based in west of Bern, outside Rosshäuser, their main activity is to produce a wide variety of vegetables and meat, principally potatoes and pigs.

stooss farm approached juba web to design a web site that matches their aesthetic , Throughout the design process, we had to make sure the website is not only easy to digest but also reflects the character and personality behind stooss farm brand. Our focus was on streamlining a customer’s online shopping experience, making sure each user flow on the site was simple and clearly labeled. We established a clean design language whilst using pictures that captures the farm beauty, With a wide range of products to select from, the user journey and checkout experience needed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. We also streamlined the navigation to easily accommodate and filter all products that stooss farm have on offer, directing customers to the desired page.